Allow Me To Introduce Myself

I'm Nick, a self-taught landscape photographer with a passion for landscape photography and night skies. I am based in the beautiful Great Lakes region where my family roots run deep, tracing back to Swedish settlers in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Inspired by my father's stories of Lake Superior, I've dedicated my craft to the vast landscapes that define this region. Through my work, I aim to share the beauty of the region with others.

For me, landscape photography is more than a physical connection; it's an emotional and spiritual journey that allows me to connect with the land. I aim to emphasize this connection in every photo I create, sharing the beauty and grandeur of every location I travel to.

Whether you're here to enhance your photography skills, purchase gallery-ready wall art, or enjoy my work, I'm here to assist you. I offer one-on-one workshops, YouTube videos, prints, and even detailed trip reports in my blog - through all of this my goal remains the same. To share the beauty of the Great Lakes.

Consider signing up for my newsletter to access some of my best content, including new photos, tips, tricks, and exclusive discounts.

I look forward to helping you discover more on your journey as a photographer, and I hope to inspire you as I continue mine!

Free Landscape Photography EBook!

Coming May 31st, 2024

Grab your free landscape photography course focusing on subject, composition, light, exposure, and creative vision. We go beyond the surface to discuss the significance of the subject, the effective arrangement of images, and my top five approaches in the field. The Ebook will be available in May, sign up now to receive it first!

Available exclusively to Newsletter subscribers. Sign up to be notified when the new course becomes available!








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If you have questions about my photography, prints, mentorship, or tutorials please reach out to me with your questions and comments using the form below!